
Following our 20 plus years involvement on projects within the manufacturing sector, Waldeck fully understand the need for a Principal Designer within this sector, because capital projects can involve a large number of specialist contractors and designers, as well as a number of client based divisions all having unique requirements and wanting their own input and outcomes.

The introduction of the Principal Designer within the CDM Regulations 2015 put the responsibility for managing Health and Safety risks firmly with the client and their design team, ensuring that such risks are considered at an early stage within the project life cycle and where possible eliminated before reaching the construction phase.

The Principal Designer plays a pivotal role in influencing how these risks to health and safety are managed and communicated to all parties. Design decisions made during the pre-construction phase have a significant influence in ensuring the project is delivered in a way that secures the health and safety of everyone affected by the work during construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning/demolition.

Waldeck recognise that clients prefer to communicate with a single point of contact to deliver solutions for their investments and with this Waldeck ensure a collaborative working ethos among the entire project team.

Waldeck as Principal Designer will plan, manage and monitor the coordination of the pre-construction phase, including any preparatory work carried out for the project, we will:

  • Assist clients in identifying, obtaining and collating pre-construction information
  • Ensure that all designers co-operate and comply with their duties
  • Provide pre-construction information to designers and contractors
  • Liaise with the principal contractor for the duration of appointment
  • Prepare the Healthy and Safety file

Ensuring the successful execution of a project in relation to the role of principal designer, Waldeck place great emphasis on building and maintain positive working relations with all parties, enabling the successful provision and flow of information to ensure health and safety is considered when making informed decisions.

Warren Monks who leads Waldeck’s service said that: “Communication, collaboration and culture is crucial in delivering best practice and successful outcomes.”


  • Health and Safety Risks are identified early in the project and where possible eliminated
  • Risks that cannot be eliminated are highlighted and control measures put in place
  • Project co-ordination is enhanced enabling all parties to cooperate in a meaningful way
  • All phases of a project life cycle are considered
  • Health and safety risks are managed accordingly
  • Supports operation and maintenance facilities

For more information on our Principal Designer service offering, please contact Warren Monks via email or by calling 08450 990285.