Specialising in delivering high-value expertise in design management and execution of all types of manufacturing facilities, Waldeck are inspired by the concept, Industry 4.0, which is set to take the manufacturing sector by storm.
Having recently attended The Manufacturer Smart Factory Expo, in Birmingham, Waldeck gained valuable and innovative insights into this new digital concept. The Expo provided the opportunity to discuss the adoption of the very latest technologies and processes, Industry 4.0 being one of them.
But what is Industry 4.0?
Industry 4.0 is a digital connection of operations, where process and data can be integrated across multiple supply chains and product life cycles. This concept allows the manufacturing industry to achieve results that weren’t possible 10 years ago, owing to the many advancements in technology over the past decade, which Waldeck continue to embrace.
Smart Factories
Industry 4.0 introduces the ‘Smart Factory’, a solution which provides real-time operational awareness, flexible control and data-driven insights, enabling smarter decisions across the supply chain, a concept which Waldeck are at the forefront of with thanks to our cutting-edge digital project lifecycle approach.
In the future digital, and specifically in the Manufacturing sector the integration of this concept will continue to become more and more influential in creative design, allowing organisations to leverage new technologies which permits them to completely re-imagine their business model and enhance their construction and manufacturing processes.
Accordingly Waldeck, who have been embracing some of these advances in digital technology for the industrial sector for some considerable time already have placed great emphasis on in-house R&D, specifically around Design for Manufacture, Digitisation and Automation of work-flows, Data Analytics and The Internet of Things which connects everyone and everything.
Our commitment to open standards will be crucial to supporting Smart Factories where connected production systems will communicate with the design and models to facilitate an automated manufacturing process, breaking the existing technology boundaries.
Andrew Dent, Executive Director and sector lead, said “We look forward to announcing our contribution to a world first here and how we and the client team have taken the Waldeck digital 7D project solution into the ultimate smart space of 8D where the client can continually optimise their entire enterprise.”