Building Information Modelling (BIM) and digital construction sits at the heart of the UK. Better BIM management provides opportunities for performance and stimulates innovative ways of delivery and operation.
What we do
From the outset, Waldeck had the foresight to adopt and promote digitally engineered project solutions, as an integral part of our offering to clients, even before it was commonly referred to as BIM and digital construction.
Digital design and BIM management is most effective when aligned with industry standards. We ensure delivery of models and data at the defined project milestones, enabling our clients to benefit from data certainty throughout the lifecycle.
How we can help
Our experts undertake the following BS EN ISO 19650-2 information management activities:
- Undertake Information Management function on behalf of the delivery team
- Supply chain assessment
- Project Common Data Environment (CDE) configuration and training
- Process, workflow, and procedural document creation
- BIM modelling
- BIM coordination; review meetings, model auditing and validation
- BIM generated schedules and timeline analysis (4D)
- BIM generated quantities and cost planning (5D)
- Predictive scenario modelling using BIM
- Real-time visualisations, animations, and digital realities
- Knowledge and skills training
As well as establishing:
- The project BIM Execution Plan (BEP)
- BIM project’s information standards
- BIM project’s information production methods and procedures
- Responsibility matrix
- Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)
- Task Information Delivery Plans (TIDP)
- Master Information Delivery Plans (MIDP)
The benefits of Project Information Management include:
- Improved coordination and communication across supply chains
- Better quality information production
- Streamlined project activities
- Asset data supporting delivery and maintenance
- Smart operations
- Reduced risk of error